So You Wanna Fly?

Our first official member rank is Pilot. Consider registering with the site as an application for promotion. When you meet the requirements below and have claimed your character on the site, you will be promoted from wingman to pilot, or any higher rank for which you may qualify.

Becoming a member of <Flight School> is for our loyal guildies who want to put on for our guild and represent us any chance they can get. Pilot is our Flagship rank, and means that you have the gear, skill, and loyalty to be considered a member. Take the oppurtunity to be part of this great PvP community, and have a hand in shaping the future of this guild.

Pilots are encouraged to be proactive, and contribute to the guild in whatever ways they can. Donate to the guild bank whenever possible and PvP often with their guildmates. Every guildie is also encouraged to leave at least one of their PvP brackets on one of thier toons open for carries and practice. Please treat others with respect, and always help your guildies when and if you can, because we are a team, and we are on the rise together!

Requirements for Pilot Promotion:

  1. Toon must be Fully Geared
  2. Player must be Registered with the Guild Site and Toon must be claimed from the Guild Roster.
  3. Player must be Playing at a 1500 rating Skill Level

Login or Create a GuildLaunch account either by clicking "Register" at the top right of the page or by clicking "Apply to Guild" on the membership widget to the right. (GuildLaunch is a service that hosts our site, and they do so for many guilds across many games, so your character name MIGHT not be available to pick as your username. That's fine because you can claim all of your toons under your username after you register. Be sure to pick a username you can easily remember.)

STEP TWO: Apply to the guild Website.

STEP THREE: Claim all of your toons in the guild from our Roster page.